There is a proposal in place to close Petawawa Terrace (old fish hatchery) to bicycles. Your comments are needed to ensure it as a place to ride. For those in Petawawa, with the urban sprawl happening, there are fewer places to ride. Speak up to protect our access here.
You can see the entire proposal online at The deadline for comments on the proposal is 14 Jul 06.
Here is an excerpt:>> "The trails on the upper terrace are the most heavily used by pedestrian park users, and are not wide enough in some areas to safely accommodate both uses. In order to circumvent any potential conflicts or accidents between cyclists and pedestrians, bicycling will not be allowed in any areas of Petawawa Terrace.">>
Comments can be sent to or
Any correspondence should be polite and clear that losing the park would have a negative impact on the community. We should leave the impression that bikers are a mature and responsible part of the community, and that safety of pedestrians isn't an issue. We stand to lose one of the nicer places to ride in town if we don't speak up.