Monday, June 18, 2012

Foreat Lea trails membership and contributions

The Forest Lea Trails represents thousands of hours of volunteer labour by a few dedicated mountain bikers. Consider it takes about 2 hours to make 100m of singletrack trail, and then consider there are 28km (28000m) of singletrack at Forest Lea!

Your membership and contributions cover the costs of making and maintaining trails for you to ride. Contributions of $20 annually can be considered a trail pass of sorts. It shows your support for the work being done on your behalf.
You can join and contribute online at  under Forest Lea Mtn Bike Trails or directly
Print your receipt and take it to Gearheads in Petawawa, and they will give you a sticker and laminated trail map. Thanks to them!
Please pass the word and get your riding buddies to sign up as well. More contributions means more great trails!